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Seminar with Mark Srednicki

Friday, November 11
10:00 AM
Room 5209

Seminar speaker:
Mark Srednicki
University of California Santa Barbara

Some Subtleties of Eigenstate Thermalization

The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis is a supposition about the structure of the matrix elements (in the energy-eigenstate basis) of a local observable in an isolated chaotic quantum many-body system. Up to an overall smooth modulation, these matrix elements appear to be “random”. However, they must have subtle correlations in order to avoid unphysical implications. These correlations are in turn necessary for nontrivial behavior of an out-of-time-order correlation function, which itself is sometimes considered to be a hallmark of quantum chaos. An additional subtlety arises in a system with a nonabelian global symmetry, where certain properties of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are necessary for thermalization.

The seminar will be in person. You can join the seminar virtually here.
Meeting ID: 830 6826 7718

Organizer: Vladimir Rosenhaus