F Oct 26 9am-6pm in Elebash Hall
Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the role of quantum information in physical theories. Tools from quantum information such as complexity and entanglement are being used to understand and even formulate the behavior of quantum field theories and quantum gravity. Conversely these physical theories provide new settings where concepts from quantum information can be calculated and understood. This workshop will be devoted to recent developments in this area. Topics to be covered include:
Entanglement entropy in quantum field theory
Holography and entanglement entropy
Toy models of holography
Quantum chaos
Friday 26 October 2018
9:30 AM Coffee and bagels
10:00 AM Title TBA
Robert Myers, Perimeter Institute
11:30 AM Coffee
12:00 PM dS/dS, T-Tbar and EE
Eva Silverstein, Stanford University
1:30 PM Lunch
3:00 PM Open Strings at the Rindler Horizon
Edward Witten, Institute for Advanced Study
4:30 PM Coffee
5:00 PM Universal scrambling dynamics and quantum gravity
Brian Swingle, University of Maryland
Download event pdf here.
Sponsored by the Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences, and by the CUNY doctoral program in Physics. Organized by Vijay Balasubramanian, Sebastian Franco (CCNY),
and Daniel Kabat (Lehman College)