F Apr 5 11am Room 5209
Marcos Rigol, Pennsylvania State University
Quantum dynamics of interacting many-body systems has become a
unique venue for the realization of novel states of matter. In this talk, we
discuss how it can lead to the generation of time-evolving states that are
eigenstates of emergent local Hamiltonians, not trivially related to the ones
dictating the time evolution. We study geometric quenches in fermionic and
bosonic systems in one-dimensional lattices, and provide examples of
experimentally relevant time-evolving states [1,2] that are either ground
states or highly excited eigenstates of emergent local Hamiltonians [3]. We
also discuss the expansion of Mott insulating domains at finite temperature.
Surprisingly, the melting of the Mott domain is accompanied by an effective
cooling of the system [4]. We explain this phenomenon analytically using the
equilibrium description provided by the emergent local Hamiltonian [4,5].
Part of the Condensed matter physics seminar series
Organizers: Sarang Gopalakrishnan & Tankut Can
Click here for full series printable PDF.