I. Interacting particles.
1. Quantum kinetic equation and its two limits, Boltzmann and wave kinetics. Liouville equation and derivation of the Boltzmann equation. H-theorem and mutual information. Stationary solutions (and their entropies).
2. Non-equilibrium solutions and kinetic coefficients: diffusivity and viscosity. Corrections to the Boltzmann equation, resummation of divergences, multi-particle correlations and memory effects.
II. Interacting waves
3. Kinetic wave equations and weak turbulence solutions.
4. Validity of kinetic equations for turbulence: corrections, divergences and renormalized kinetic equations.
5. Strong wave turbulence: zero charge (flux-dependent spectra) and confinement (universal spectra).
If time allows: turbulence in incompressible fluids.