Monday, May 16
9:00 AM -
6:30 PM EDT
Rooms 5209 and 4102 (Science Center)
This workshop brings together leaders in quantum information and post-quantum cryptography from the UK, EU, and the New York metropolitan area. The morning informal session will take place at the blackboard in Room 5209; afternoon lectures will begin at 1:30PM at the Science Center (Room 4102).
Speakers and panelists will include:
Andrea Alù CUNY Graduate Center
Reza Azarderakhsh Florida Atlantic University; PQSecure Technologies
Eden Figueroa SUNY Stony Brook
Delaram Kahrobaei Queens College, CUNY; University of York (UK)
Ramis Movassegh IBMQ, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
Ludovic Perret Sorbonne University
Vladimir Shpilrain CUNY Graduate Center
Timothy Spiller EPSRC Quantum Communications Hub; York Centre for Quantum Technologies, University of York (UK)
Visit the official event website:
Organized by Andrea Alù (ASRC and CUNY Graduate Center) and Delaram Kahrobaei (Queens College and CUNY Graduate Center). Sponsored by the CUNY doctoral programs in Computer Science and Mathematics.