June 19 - 30, 2023
Princeton University
PHYSICS OF LIFE is an intensive, two-week summer school for undergraduate students interested in physics, biophysics, and the biological sciences.
Sponsored by the Center for the Physics of Biological Function, the summer school is tuition-free. Housing and meals on Princeton University campus will be provided at no cost to participants.
This year’s summer school dates are June 19 - 30.
The deadline for the simple application is Friday, Mar 31.
CUNY students are strongly encouraged to apply.
24 undergraduates (most of whom will be in their 3rd or 4th year) will be invited to join the summer school. The ideal summer school candidate is an interesting individual who is curious and passionate about science and shows enthusiasm for learning how principles of physics can be applied to study the phenomena of living things.
Over the course of two weeks, students will engage in intense lectures, labs, hands-on exercises, and informal discussion with Center faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. We are proud of the exceptional majority our summer school alumni who have gone on to pursue a career in the sciences— as educators or as Ph.D. students performing research in biophysics and other disciplines at top institutions in the U.S. and abroad.
Physics of Life school is a remarkable summer opportunity that can shape the trajectory of college students as future researchers, teachers, and science advocates. Part of the Center’s mission is to ensure that this opportunity is available to women and other underrepresented minority students. Students attending the City University of New York, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and other minority-serving institutions are strongly encouraged to apply.
A special invitation to CUNY students: students who participate in summer school have the opportunity to extend their stay in Princeton and work in a Center lab of their choice for the duration of the summer while receiving a stipend. Please e-mail polschool@princeton.edu for questions about the summer school and the application process.