Promoting collaboration across the theoretical sciences

CPBF symposium on entropy and thermodynamics

Nonequilibrium thermodynamic limits to fluctuation and response
Jordan Horowitz, University of Michigan

Thermodynamics is a remarkably successful theoretical framework, with wide ranging applications across the natural sciences. Unfortunately, thermodynamics is limited to equilibrium or near-equilibrium situations, whereas most of the natural world, especially life, operates very far from equilibrium. Research in nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics is beginning to shed light on this domain. In this talk, I will present two such recent predictions. The first is a bound that quantifies how dissipation shapes fluctuations far from equilibrium. Besides its intrinsic allure as a universal relation, I will discuss one possible application where it offers limits to the efficiency of molecular motors. The second is a series of equalities and inequalities---akin to the Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem but valid arbitrarily far from equilibrium---that link a system’s sensitivity to the strength of nonequilibrium driving. I will discuss how these predictions rationalize known energetic requirements of some common biochemical motifs and provide new limits to others.