FAQ (updated on 6/4)
Am I eligible to participate?
The program is designed with advanced undergraduates and beginning graduates in the U.S. and abroad in mind; others, postdocs and faculty included, who have a solid background in statistical physics and quantum mechanics are welcome to join.
Where will lectures and discussions take place online?
All lectures and discussions will take place via Zoom. Registrants will receive a weekly invitation to participate in the lectures.
Can you tell me more about the lectures?
Lecture abstracts are accessible on the main page (hover to click on lecture titles).
What is the format of the summer school?
Two hours of lecture and discussion a day, twice a week (Thursday and Friday), for six weeks in June and July. In addition to the lectures, we plan for an informal Q&A panel discussion with the lecturers (date TBA).
Who will be giving the lectures?
Please see our lecturers page.
Will I receive a certificate for participating in the program?
Adventures in the Theoretical Sciences is an informal, certificate-free program.
Will supplementary materials or assignments be given?
At this time, there is no supplementary reading or assignment accompanying the lectures.
When should I expect to receive a Zoom invitation for the lectures?
Zoom invitations will be issued by Monday of the week of each lecture.
I missed a lecture. Are videos of lectures available?
You can view recorded lectures here. Not all lectures will be recorded; in some cases only lecture slides may be available. “Multi-parameter models and information geometry” (June 11 and 12 lecture) will not be recorded.
I registered and have not received a confirmation e-mail yet.
Please allow 1-2 days after registering to receive a confirmation/invitation e-mail. If you have not heard from us after 2 days, please e-mail info@itsatcuny.org directly to register.
Additional questions can be addressed to info@itsatcuny.org